Sunday, April 5, 2020

Adjusting My Grip - INTRODUCTION

During the summer of 2019, I was compelled spiritually to spend the first three open weeks of the summer finishing a book I had started back in 1989. Over the years, I had scribbled a few words in its direction every year. But the impressions to finish it were getting seriously annoying. It felt like a huge weight I could not set aside anymore. I was now carrying it around with me every waking hour.

So I spent 16 hours a day - from June 3 - July 7th 2019, putting it together. I started each day with a prayer that I would say what God wanted me to say, since obviously, He was interested in what I had written and knew that other people needed it too. Maybe it was only going to be one person. I was okay with that.

But on July 7th I submitted it to a real editor at a Latter-day Saint based publishing house and about three months later - they rejected it.

I kind of thought they would.

Some of it is still too controversial for the Mormons. Like me calling myself a Mormon a few times. It happens and I'm okay with it. I'm not an Apostle of the LDS church. I'm just a plain old member who struggles with some of its tenets, but the flame of my faith is strong and for whatever reason - as I wrote, the burden of the book was being lifted from me. There was a constant feeling of approval I had as I wrote. I called it the "DIVINE DUMP." If I prayed to know what to write - it just fell out of me. My heart was enlarged. I was guided to resources. I felt that my commitment to it was being reciprocated by the sustaining of angels. I wrote hours into the mornings until the angels went to bed. Then I did too. It was exhausting and uplifting.

As I sit here, socially distancing myself from the public during the Covid-19 crisis, I feel a familiar surge to get the book out. But, I say to the voice, "it has nothing to do with this crisis!" But I guess it does. It's about waiting.

In fact, the original title of the book was, for 20+ years, "Ladies in Waiting." And then I grew up and it wasn't all about me anymore. So now the book is called "Adjusting Your Grip." It is about 4 groups of people that WAIT and have questions of faith like me.

So - anyway... THAT'S IT.  I don't have a website - so I'm going to just post the book one chapter at a time here on the blog.

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